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Earth Week Blog

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Credo is proud to recognize Earth Week again as we continue our Environmental, Sustainable, and Governance (E.S.G) efforts for 2024.

In November, we released our first ESG report and have been making great strides to implement strong policies and best practices regarding sustainability. We are nowhere near our final step, but we are making efforts to be a better company that helps leave the world a better place. We will be in good hands if we can create more powerful thinkers who care about our products and our earth’s future with a long-term view.


This past year, we have released innovative products that revolutionize the power and energy consumption landscape. One such product is Dove 850, a Linear Receive Optic (LRO) and the world's first 800G DSP that targets hyperscalers and AI data centers. This groundbreaking product alone cuts DSP power by 50%, a significant achievement in the industry. It allows the industry to keep power costs low while providing higher throughput. Hyperscale and AI data centers are now focusing on energy efficiency more than ever before, and our products are at the forefront of this movement. Our business is flexible as we are a fabless hardware company, but we create products that use half the power of our competitors and offer cost benefits. Semiconductors, as a whole, are a large area of opportunity that we believe is going to be an important factor in driving lower power and improved energy efficiency in the data center market.

E-Waste and Sustainability

We've made significant efforts to be a more sustainable company this past year, going as far as simplifying the way our products are packed and making sure our corporate signage is made from recyclable material. Our AEC team has cut the amount of materials that go into the packaging for our AEC cables by nearly 50%. We plan to connect with our larger customers to work on a more efficient way to help recycle our products once a new one is introduced. Our office management teams have implemented energy-efficient practices, putting effort into reducing our carbon footprint. Additionally, we’ve introduced recycling programs and encouraged the use of reusable materials to minimize waste as we aim to remove all single-use plastics from our offices.

Community Engagement, STEAM, and Sustainability

Credo has consistently been trying to be involved in our community since we announced our Credo Cares program. We work with RAFT (Resource Area for Teachers) to support STEAM education projects for schools in underserved areas. RAFT reuses and recycles all matter of business goods, from file folders to circuit boards, to create STEAM projects. These initiatives are not just about giving back, but about making a real difference in the lives of those around us while the world we live. We are continuously looking for new ways to support our local community while protecting the planet.
