The CRT55321 Black Hawk is a low power 800G Retimer / 400G Gearbox version of the Credo Bald Eagle. The device is suitable for both backplane and front panel applications including HyperScale Data Centers, Cloud-scale switches, AI and Telecom/Datacom and applications with advanced NIC Cards.
The device has Credo’s innovative SerDes technology at its core to delivery the bandwidth, scalability, and end-to-end signal integrity at low power needed to meet the demands of advanced networks up to 800G with single-lane 28G, 56G, or 112G connectivity.
Black Hawk supports bi-directional/full duplex 800G (16 x 56G PAM4). 28G NRZ is also supported. Black Hawk is cost effectively manufactured on TSMC’s 12nm process.